W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   M I C H I G A N   L E A N   C O N S O R T I U M

Update from the Events Team by Dave Kippen, MLC Events Team Coordinator

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 4:32 PM | Anonymous

Lean Tribe! 

The Events Team took a big step forward this week and had a "re-introduciton" session for our Events Team volunteers. During Covid we pivoted to 100% virtual and did not need a lot of event support. There is just not as much work to do when an event is all online. Our eyes are on the future and the future holds IN PERSON EVENTS! (assuming Delta does not crash the party...). 

Our re-introduction session reviewed the event planning process at a high level and what the different roles and responsibilities are for the different levels of volunteers. Long story short, our pool of volunteers are split into 3 main categories:

  • "Single day" event planners
  • "Multi day" event planners (conferences!!)
  • "Day Of" volunteers

We need a pool of each type to be able to execute all ranges and types of events for our membership. As always, if you are interested in being a volunteer, let me know!

Our events Master Schedule has a couple in-person events and in-person Coffee Chats on the list for the rest of 2021 (with a couple virtual events sprinkled in). Be on the lookout for updates and get yourself on the registration list!

Be safe,


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