W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   M I C H I G A N   L E A N   C O N S O R T I U M

From the Chair—September Newsletter

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:14 PM | Anonymous
Hello Michigan Lean Consortium Practitioners,

I hope this note finds everyone winding down their summer with great memories of the past few months.

The MLC also has enjoyed delivering value to you! Our Annual Conference had an amazing turnout and felt more like a reunion than a conference. I am so thankful to those volunteers who helped pull the AC together and you, the membership, for attending!

Traditionally during the annual conference we thank the former board members and introduce the new board members to the membership. This year we thanked and said goodbye to Vanita De Jesus, Josh Foster, and Kevin Olds. We introduced Jayne Overbeck and Alen Ganic. Pam Burgess was also reelected to the board for another three year term. Most recently, Debra Levantrosser, founder of the MLC, rejoined the board to support the membership office. Also during the annual conference the State of the Business was presented to the membership. Each director shared their portion of the Strategic A3 and their vision for the future. 

At the end of September the board will hold the Q3 strategy meeting where we will be evaluating our 2022 work and begin designing 2023!

I hope everyone is excited to see the offerings the MLC will provide in the New Year!

Your feedback is always appreciated!

For the Love of Lean,
Holly Plaga,
Michigan Lean Consortium Chair

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