W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   M I C H I G A N   L E A N   C O N S O R T I U M

From the Chair

Tuesday, November 01, 2022 10:42 AM | Anonymous

Hello Michigan Lean Consortium Practitioners,

Happy November! As we approach the holiday season we are continuing to reflect and plan for 2023. As mentioned in the last months newsletter, the board of directors has begun the strategic planning cycle and continues to follow the PLAN, DO, CHECK, ADJUST process to ensure we are headed in a beneficial direction for our organization. Our strategy will be shared in December on the internal website for all to review. Developing a strategy is a long process and the team is committed to following the process.

Our offerings continue to produce great learning and feedback from you. In October, I especially enjoyed the Negotiation Coffee Chat from Debra Levantrosser!

Next month is the Grand Rapids Summit. Thank you to those who have signed up to attend. I am honored to have the opportunity to present, How A Novice Can Facilitate Effective Strategic Planning. The strategic planning topic was brought forth by you, the membership, as a Lean tool you were looking to learn more about and take back to your organization.

Thank you and keep the recommendations coming! I am very excited to share and look forward to seeing your smiling face on November 18th!

Your feedback is always appreciated and thank you for your patronage and love for the MLC!

For the Love of Lean,

Holly Plaga,

Michigan Lean Consortium Chair

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