W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   M I C H I G A N   L E A N   C O N S O R T I U M

From the Chair—February 2023

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 1:15 PM | Andi Barajas

I hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start! During the month of January, the MLC Board sat down and conducted the first quarterly meeting of the year at Orchid Orthopedic Solutions. The team at Orchid were gracious hosts and provided a wonderful tour of the Lansing campus. During the quarterly meeting the team reviewed their strategic plan and key performance actions to meet the strategic goals for 2023. Some goals were internal and other external, supporting all membership.

Key Performance Actions include:

  1. Position the organization to be technologically proficient/efficient
  2. Present ourselves professionally to all stakeholders (internal & external)
  3. Understand individual skills sets and strengths of all volunteers, including Board of Directors
  4. Increase awareness of the benefits and value of the MLC

The board measures the effectiveness of our over actions with registration threshold metrics. Supporting these threshold metrics are other input metrics. To date we are on track with our actions and continue to trek forward preparing for our second quarter.

Also, this month, we welcomed four seniors from the University of Michigan to our team. Fiona, Grant, Markus, and Keaton have chosen the MLC as part of their Senior Project. They are learning about strategy development and implementation; they are working with various offices to support our initiatives and will be attending our upcoming events. Keep your eye out for their biographies and attendance at MLC Events. We are so thankful to have them on the team!

Speaking of events, we have been extensively working to hold a Lean Leadership Summit in Q1. I am happy to announce March 24th we will have our first Lean Leadership Summit in East Lansing. Managers, if you are looking to develop your people, the Lean Leadership Summit will be an excellent addition to your employee’s performance objectives for 2023. An announcement will be out shortly with registration slated for mid-February.

Lastly, I want to thank all the volunteers who have been supporting the MLC. It is amazing the camaraderie and collaboration we have had revitalizing this organization.

Be safe and have a great month!

For the Love of Lean,
Holly Plaga, MLC Board Chair

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