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Gemba Walk Recap—Granger Construction

Friday, September 15, 2023 11:17 AM | Anonymous

Granger hosted MLC learners on Friday 10/13/23, the group was introduced to the Granger construction team at the Ford Motor National Product Development Center a 92,000 sq. ft. reconstruction project in Allen Park, MI.

The tour included a summary of the project by Joann Kobacki, Project Manager and Chris Scharlach Lean Operations, and others on the team.

Below are a few highlights of what was learned.

  1. Lean construction is as valuable as Lean used in other environments; consider flow, pull, and waste.
  2. Joann reviewed how flow of work coordinates elements of moving through a project by staging areas of focus. She illustrated how entire floors and areas are mapped to create flow.
  3. Chris has been at this with Granger since 2015 and explained successes like learning to use LCI (Lean Construction Institutes) contributions for software such as Last Planner has been a big lift to organize the flow of project materials and people.

The Granger team was gracious in offering lunch to the 20 plus MLC attendees and a working discussion followed.

The MLC is grateful to Granger and to all those who attended. It's great to see what's working and not working on Lean journeys; we are all in this together.

We welcome more opportunities for member learning and sharing. Email events@michiganlean.org to discuss how you can partner with the MLC on Gemba Tours and more.

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