The MLC hosted an online Coffee Chat with Beth Crowley Presenting Takt Time 101
Takt time is how often a product must be completed to meet customer demand. Cycle time is how long it takes to complete work. Beth used the image below to show us an example and asked the question, will this process deliver on-time?
- Unbalanced lines, over production, and of course the Takt time examples
- Takt time depends on high production of standard products in a repeatable process. It's not great for customized orders, job shops
- World War II Bomber production at Willow Run highlighted that Ford's Sorenson used the concept of Takt time and process cycle time to redefine how a Bomber could be built each hour

The MLC is grateful to Beth Crowley and to all those who attended. It's great to see what's working and not working on Lean journeys; we are all in this together.
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