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How to Stop Whack A Mole Safety Management
Friday, February 27, 2015
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Cummins Bridgeway, LLC., Conference Center, 21810 Clessie Court, Lyon Township, MI 48165
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29 registrants
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Program Title / Synopsis:
How to Stop Whack A Mole Safety Management. Lean management focuses on removing all forms of waste. Employee injuries are the worst form of waste in any business. Safety presents one of the most difficult challenges for lean management.
Program Learner/Participant Objectives:
To learn why safety management must be transformed to fix the system using the management theory of continual improvement coupled with The System of Profound Knowledge.
Targeted Audience:
Any one involved in making improvements to their organization. Top Management: Middle Managers and Hourly Employees interested in how lean affects safety performance.
Mr. Smith has spent the last 30 years working to help Managers and Hourly Associates apply the principles of continual improvement to quality, productivity and safety. He has developed CRISP™ an acronym for Continual Renewal and Improvement of System/Safety Performance. CRISP is a management transformation system designed to move people away from Taylorism (command and control) to Continual Improvement. His new safety management theory with its focus on people, teams and systems thinking creates a new culture relevant to the 21st century economy. Mr. Smith has published numerous articles over the last twenty five years all challenging the status quo of how safety should be managed. His book; System Accidents: Why Americans Are Injured At Work And What Can Be Done To Stop It has received high marks and praise from managers and safety professionals across the U.S. His most recent article in Professional Safety, March 2011 was; Safety Management: A Personal Development Strategy. Mr. Smith was honored to present his article The Limiting Factors of Safety Management to the 18th Annual International Deming Research Seminar at Fordham University, February 2012.
He was honored to present another article Measuring the Soft Skills of Teams:
Producing data from mental processes at the 20th annual Deming Research Conference, NYC, Fordham University, March 2014
He has been invited to present another paper on Safety Management to the 21st Deming Research Conference in March 2015.
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