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The theme of the day is “This Year’s Challenge and What I Learned”.
- What was the Challenge Condition?
- Why was this a Challenge Condition?
- What barriers did you have had to overcome?
- What did you learn from this?
The last bullet is key! We are a learning organization and want to celebrate learning within organizations across the state.
Speaker Bios:

“Vertically Integrating Knowledge Workers for Increased Quality and Cost Savings.” – Using data, optimized collaboration and process improvement to industry leading performance in one cycle.
What was the Challenge Condition?
Engineering Product Quality and Cost
Why was this a Challenge Condition?
Process barriers, lack of vertical integration with knowledge workers
What barriers did you have had to overcome?
Cultural, Process, Funding, Analytical and Lack of Human Performance tools
What did you learn from this?
Improving Knowledge Worker product quality requires a systemic approach and in depth applications of a variety of improvement tools.
Our improvement was from “worst to first” in the nation using benchmarked metrics and methodology in a single production cycle.
Thomas H. Dunham
Currently employed as AECOM Performance Improvement Manager for Nuclear Engineering Design and Modification team. My background is in Basic Scientific Research (Sr. Research Investigator MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Michigan Nanotech Research/Human Skin Growth). I have a JD from Wayne State and am licensed to practice in Texas and before the USPTO. Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry from California State University – East Bay. I have played music professionally throughout my life but now I only teach.

The tale of when yesterday and tomorrow couldn’t be the same…
We invite you to share in the story of Mercy Health Saint Mary's journey through discovering a new and better way to deliver our value. There isn’t a particular day this story begins; it was more a collection of moments and experiences when the process excellence team discovered that there had to be a better way. This is a story of a team developing their own homegrown process excellence consultant/Mercy Health colleague partnership that includes didactic learning, application of concepts real time, field trips to "go and see" and coaching. We are excited to share what happened and what we learned through pilot cohort.
Our challenge was this: deliver the same value and services we had been delivering in a more effective and efficient way AND better allow for organizational learning.
Why this challenge was:
• Mercy Health Saint Mary's was looking for ways to broaden our reach, deliver higher value and use the same number of resources
• We knew our current method was flawed: we didn’t have a good way to share learning and it was heavy on process excellence resources
• We had seen pockets of success with really intense 1x1 coaching and we wondered if we could have the same success delivering differently
What barriers did we have to overcome: collaborate regionally, how to keep it simple, how to be humble, how to just go, who to pilot with, how to learn from this and many many more!
What did we learn: you will have to wait for our presentation-we can't give away all of the goods :)
Heather Toppen has been learning, practicing, teaching and coaching "lean" for 20 years. Her learning began in various manufacturing industries all over the country with formal training in the Toyota Production System at the Toyota Supplier Support System under the tutelage of Japanese sensei Mr. Haijime Ohba. She has a strong background in developing and facilitating the implementation of systems designed to instill lean philosophy and principles to audiences ranging from frontline associates to senior leadership. Heather transitioned to healthcare in 2011. Her passion is in serving people by partnering with them to reach their highest potential. She is an active mother of 3 children: Lucy, Finn and Zeke.
Sarah Kolekamp is a Senior Process Excellence Consultant with Mercy Health. She has been in her role for six years and has had the pleasure of working in a wide variety of hospital departments with senior leaders, directors, managers and frontline colleagues. Sarah's passion lies in facilitating and partnering in reducing the human struggle for Mercy Health colleagues. Outside of work, Sarah enjoys spending her time with her 3 daughters Sophia, Lena and Julia as well as running and reading.

"Your Next Available Appointment is When?!"
The Challenge of Improving Patient Access to Ultrasound Services
We we're challenged with reducing the number of days patients waited for an Ultrasound appointment. Business was being lost to competitors able to better accommodate patient needs to receive results in a more timely manner. Habits around when and how the work gets done were entrenched making the prospect of change difficult to imagine. The opportunity to work together to achieve our aim was educational for all involved. We look forward to continuing this education by sharing what we learned with you on December 1st. Hope to see you there and excited to hear your thoughts on how we can improve upon future endeavors.
Joe Augustyn has more than three decades of experience in organizational development and performance improvement. He specializes in diagnosing workplace issues, designing strategic interventions and leading and managing positive change, particularly in the face of crisis or rapid developments.
Joe’s extensive background includes management of projects for health systems, automotive/manufacturers, retail and financial organizations.
Focused primarily in healthcare, Joe has led multiple change management efforts with major healthcare providers including SSM Health, Indian Health Service, Genesys Regional Medical Center and, for the past 15 years, Baptist Health South Florida and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
This Year’s Challenge and What I Learned
What was the Challenge Condition?
The monthly collation of product complaint data, presenting at monthly metrics meeting for a mid-sized medical device company outside of Boston
Flow of information was limiting factor for process time improvement
Why was this a Challenge Condition?
The significant time to collate and analyze the data took away time to understand the data and develop remediation plans for the impacted products.
Too much time was spend deciding the color of the metric, not acting upon what the data should have been telling the organization.
What barriers did you have had to overcome?
Lack of IT support
Limitation of standard MS office tools
What did you learn from this?
Newly available, affordable business intelligence tools enable a 5S for Data approach to process improvement
HarborView LLC founder, Richard Love, has over 20 years executive management experience in the Biopharmaceutical industry. He has served as Global Head of Quality for Stiefel Laboratories, a division of GlaxoSmithKline and has led several global and company-wide lean transformations.
Tentative Agenda (subject to change):
12:00 - 12:30 PM - Registration and Lunch (lunch will be provided)
Thank you to DTE Energy for sponsoring lunch!

12:30 - 4:00 PM - Event (presentations, thank you to our MLC volunteers, a note from our Chair... etc.)
4:30 - 6:00 PM - Networking Reception
Afterwards, join us for a networking reception at Joe Kool's Bar and Grill located across the street from our event location. This networking reception is for MLC members only & limited to 50 people. We will have appetizers for you and provide one free drink of your choice!