Summit Description:
Hospitals are seeking innovative methods to meet the fast-approaching, mandatory competition with millions of dollars on the line.
Value-based purchasing (VBP) authorized by the Patient Protection and Accountable Care Act of 2010, gives the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) the authority to determine a portion of hospital reimbursement payments on performance in 25 core measures. Hospitals will have their funding reduced by 1 percent in fiscal year 2013, rising to 2 percent by FY 2017. In addition, Episode of Care, or bundled payments, may become the norm and if so, collaboration along the patient care continuum is critical.
Now more than ever, health care providers, hospitals, insurance companies, and health care manufacturers need to work together to address these issues.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn how health care organizations are:
- Applying lean tools and principles to define and resolve these challenges
- Improving processes and systems to increase customer satisfaction
- Achieving best practice outcomes that meet or exceed quality benchmarks
- Ensuring safety and realizing cost savings while experiencing revenue growth

Thank you to our lunch sponsor -
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE).
Thank you to our additional sponsors for this event:

8:15 am Registration and light refreshments
9:00 am Welcome
9:15 am Keynote Speaker
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Breakout Session (choose 1)
11:25 am Lunch & Networking Session (choose 1)
1:00 pm Breakout Session (choose 1)
2:00 pm Break
2:15 pm Keynote Speaker
3:00 pm Wrap-Up
3:15 pm Shuttles
Keynote Speakers
Barbara Rossmann, President and CEO of Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals, A Member of the Henry Ford Health System, Recipient of the 2011 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for performance excellence and
Jack Weiner, President and CEO of St. Joseph’s Mercy Oakland Recipient of the 2011 Leap Frog Top Hospital for Safety and Quality of Care, A Member of the St. Joseph’s Mercy Health System.
Breakout Session Descriptions - Choose one AM and one PM session when you register.
Using Lean To Turn the Flywheel of Customer Experience and Cultural Transformation (AM)
Jennifer Burkett, MBA, RD, CD, Director of
Performance Improvement, Elkhart General Hospital,
an affiliate of Beacon Health System
Learning Objectives:
-Participant will be able to describe how using Lean philosophy
can dramatically increase the
momentum in patient satisfaction and employee engagement
-Participant will be able to identify key elements of leading
a cultural transformation
-Participant will be able to list key lessons learned by
one hospital committed to improving customer experience
Problem Solving With A3 (AM & PM)
Linda Koonce, DHA and Renee Richards, RN, MSNc,
Mercy Memorial Hospital System
Learning Objectives:
-Introduction to A3 Problem Solving Methodology
-Understand how to clearly and accurately define
a problem by making the problem visible
-Understand how to use the A3 to communicate
the problem solving process and ensure alignment
and support
Transformation in an Primary Care/Outpatient
Setting" (AM & PM)
Heidi Naperala, L3 Strategies, LLC
Learning Objectives:
-Understand the key elements of several
Primary Value Streams that have led to
successful outcomes in their core measures
-Participants will learn how these operations were
deployed and how they can apply the same
principles in their environment
Can Lean Help? (AM & PM)
Mike Taubitz, FDR Safety and MLC Board Member
Learning Objectives:
-Gain understanding of the history of lean and its
implications for continuous improvement in health care
-Why the integration of lean, green and safety is
critical to long-term sustainable growth
-Why employee safety is critical to any lean effort
-Be able to identify the common "hinge of lean,
green and safe"
-Why and how lean tools and thinking are the enabler
for an integrated approach to identify and eliminate
waste for improved client care and reduced cost
McLaren Flint's process improvement journey to meet
and exceed National and State Quality
Improvement Initiative for Stem Care (AM & PM) Cheryl Wieber, MHA, Director of Diagnostic
Imaging, McLaren Flint Medical Center.
Learning Objectives:
-Participants will have a better understanding of
fundamental root cause analysis and Process
Improvement tools such as DMAIC and the Fishbone
-Participants will learn the importance of a leader's
role to sustain gains
-Fishbone diagram exercise to promote knowledge
and comfort in using tool
Learning to be Lean - One Hospital's Journey to Improve Quality, Timeliness, and Cost (PM)
Jennifer Burkett, MBA, RD, CD, Director of Performance Improvement, Elkhart General Hospital, an affiliate of Beacon Health System
Program Objectives:
-The participant will be able to describe at least five improvements gained using Lean philosophy
-The participant will be able to list key elements of leading a Lean Transformation
-The participant will be able to identify four key Lean concepts that drive improvement
Lunch & Networking Session: Choose one when you register
- Beginner's Introduction to Lean (facilitated discussion/networking)
- Health Care Leaders - open discussion/networking
- Experienced Practitioners - open discussion / networking
Note: Parking is across the street. Henry Ford is generously providing a Shuttle in the morning and afternoon.
Parking will be at Macomb Community College - parking lot 5C. Access to this parking lot is from Commons Drive (which is the cross street between the hospital and Garfield). While parking is within walking distance (approximately 1/4 of mile) of the HFMH Medical Office Building (conference center) there will be a shuttle bus from Lot 5C to the hospital and back throughout the day. A HFMH-MLC Volunteer will be stationed in the parking lot to assist with transport.
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