W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   M I C H I G A N   L E A N   C O N S O R T I U M

From the Chair—June

Wednesday, June 07, 2023 9:30 AM | Andi Barajas (Administrator)

Summer in Michigan is the best!

The 2023 Annual Conference is our major event of the year! Held in breathtaking Traverse City, MI this August, the offerings this year reflect feedback from attendees and membership throughout the year from all of our events.  I am very excited to see everyone and learn what has been happening in your lean worlds!

Register Today!

During the conference the MLC Board of Directors holds its annual public meeting to share the journey over the past year and where we are headed. Our directors are volunteers who work very hard, year round to create direction and support the MLC. Although, election nominations have come to a close we are always looking for interested humans to join the team. If you are interested, please contact me directly!

Have a safe month and I hope to see you in August.

For the love of Lean,


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